英语翻译大体就是这个意思 主要能描述下她“几乎每次”放学都教我骑自行车,并且帮我“扶着”车子防止我摔倒


大体就是这个意思 主要能描述下她“几乎每次”放学都教我骑自行车,并且帮我“扶着”车子防止我摔倒

Almost everyday, she teaches me how to ride a bike on the way home, she holds the bike from back to keep the balance.Two months later, I can ride myself.

She teaches me how to ride a bike. almost every time on the way home, she teached me and held on to the back of the bike in case i fell down
two months later, l learned how to ride bikes.

Almost everyday,she teaches me how to ride a bike on the way home,she holds the bike from back to keep the balance.Two months later,I can ride myself.

She taught me ride. Nearly everytime on the way home,she supported my bike with her hands,avoiding me falling down. And two month later,I can ride。