“脱下这件色彩斑斓的衣服”用英语怎么说急初1英语练习册《一课三练》下册题目unit11You have no (横线) to tell me to (横线)off the (横线)coat.“你没有权利叫我脱下这件色彩斑斓的衣服。不好意思少打了几个字。


You have no (横线) to tell me to (横线)off the (横线)coat.“你没有权利叫我脱下这件色彩斑斓的衣服。不好意思少打了几个字。

take the colorful coat off

you have no right to take off the colorful coat.

take off this colourful clothes

Take off this colorful clothes

You have no right to tell me to take off the colourful coat.
right 权利,
take off 脱下(衣服),
colourful ,colorful 富有色彩的, 鲜艳的

take off the colourful clothes.

take off the colorful clothes