1.Talk about what the future will be like.2.Talk about the problems and the suggestions.请围绕上面两个话题编一个四人对话,但不能少于两分钟,最好是初三以下的内容明天就要口试了 还有注意题目 不要太短 还有是两个对话!


1.Talk about what the future will be like.
2.Talk about the problems and the suggestions.
还有注意题目 不要太短 还有是两个对话!

A:As we all know,life is short.What do you think the future will be like in about 50 years?B:Wow,50 years,that will be a long time.C:Yeah,we will be about 70 years old,that old.D:Life then must be v...