英语翻译1.他们每周将上三天学.(a week)2.我爸会买一辆小型轿车.(small)3.你梦想中的家会是什么样的?4.我要用这台机器洗衣服.(use sth to do sht)


1.他们每周将上三天学.(a week)
4.我要用这台机器洗衣服.(use sth to do sht)

1They will go to school three days a week.
2My father is going to buy a small car.
3What's your home in your dream?
4I will use this machine to wash clothes.

1 They will have lessons three days a week.2 My father will buy a small car.3 How will your dream house be like?4 I use this washing machine to wash clothes.