as soon as they arrived in the big city,they found it difficult to find somewhere cheap ——问什么用to live 不用 to live in?这一点仔细讲讲 最好在把 状语什么及物不及物滴说说哈~~谢


as soon as they arrived in the big city,they found it difficult to find somewhere cheap ——
问什么用to live 不用 to live in?这一点仔细讲讲 最好在把 状语什么及物不及物滴说说哈~~谢

因为前面是somewhere,也就是somewhere to live。因为这里你不能说live in somewhere,你只能说live somewhere。
前面并不是big city,如果是big city的话就是big city to live in。

应该是live somewhere cheap
somewhere anywhere there here这些词前面怎么能加in呢?
所以应该是to live