

1.It ( ) a lot so far this month.
A.is raining B.rains
C.rained D.has bee raining
2.Jim had been studying very hard, and ( ) he failed the exam.
A.thus B.so
C.yet D.hence
3.If you don‘t want to go to the party, you ( ) stay at home.
A.might well as B.might just as
C.might as just well D.might just as well
4.I have taken quite a few courses this term, ( ) turn out to be not as interesting as I expected.
A.some B.some of which
C.those D.some of them
5.The coat I bought for my brother cost me ( ) the one for myself.
A.three times as much as B.three times as many as
C.as three times many as D.as three times as
6.Bob feels that his composition is better than ( ) in his class.
A.the other‘s B.any other’s
C.the other student D.any other student
7.I had meant ( ) you about it , but I forgot to do so.
A.telling B.to tell
C.to have told D.having told
8.( ) for their help, we would not have succeeded.
A.Hadn‘t been B.Had it not been
C.It hadn‘t been D.Had been not
9.Not only ( ) a promise, but he also kept it.
A.has he made B.he made
C.had he made D.he had made
10.More and more adults in the rural areas ( ) in self-study programs.
A.were believed to be enrolled
B.believed to be enrolled
C.were believed to enroll
D.believed to enroll
11.( ) an answer, John decided to write another letter to them.
A.Having not received B.Not having received
C.Not to receive D.To receive not
12.There was so much noise that the teacher couldn‘t make ( )
A.himself to hear B.to hear himself
C.himself hear D.himself heard