改正句子:1.I afraid that you must go?( )2.Does he hare a appointment?( )3.When were you see the doctor yesterday( )将括号内的句子提问:1.I want (size).( )2.My rousers are (blue).( )改为否定句1.He walks across the park everyday.( )2.I worte a letter to my father( )


改正句子:1.I afraid that you must go?
( )
2.Does he hare a appointment?
( )
3.When were you see the doctor yesterday
( )
将括号内的句子提问:1.I want (size).
( )
2.My rousers are (blue).
( )
改为否定句1.He walks across the park everyday.
( )
2.I worte a letter to my father
( )

改正句子:1.Do you afraid that you must go?
2.Does he have a appointment?
3.When were you see the doctor yesterday?

I'm afraid that you must go.
Does he hire an appointment?
When did yu see the doctor yesterday?
Which size do you want?
What colour are your rousers?
He doesn't walk across the park everyday.
I didn't write a letter to my father.

1.I am afraid that you must go2.Does he hare an appointment3.When did you see the doctor yesterday4.What size do you want5.What color are your rousers6.He does'nt walk across the park everyday7.I didn...

1.I am afraid that you must go?
2..Does he have a appointment?
3.When did you see the doctor yesterday
1.He doesn't walk across the park everyday.
2.I didn't write a letter to my father
"将括号内的句子提问" 不知道啥意思,请说明白点。