源自Comprehension Skills Primary 2 (Dorcas Ang),question 6 on page 4.


源自Comprehension Skills Primary 2 (Dorcas Ang),question 6 on page 4.
1、Some people may think that a damselfly is a dragonfly.In fact,a damselfly is thinner than a dragonfly.Its colour is not as bright as that of a dragonfly.While the dragonfly can fly very fast,even backwards,a damselfly flies slowly.
Q:This passage mainly tells us .

This passage mainly tells us ——How to distinguish the damselflies and dragonflies.(怎么分辨豆娘与蜻蜓)豆娘?damselfly就是豆娘为什么会翻译成豆娘?很滑稽,匪夷所思啊!豆娘,蜻蛉
蜻蛉俗称豆娘。蜻蜓目(Odonata)束翅亚目(Zygoptera)昆虫的通称,种类多,眼向两侧突出,翅具柄。翅狭窄,膜质,翅脉网状,静止时翅沿身体纵轴垂直地立于背上,而不像差翅亚目(Anisoptera) 的蜻蜓那样平展。体纤细,飞行力弱。为何俗称豆娘?常用名是豆娘啊。这个不用追根究底的,毕竟你问过为何马铃薯俗称土豆吗?