14 .There are shops on side of the street of them don’t close till 12 at night..


14 .There are shops on side of the street of them don’t close till 12 at night..
A.both;All B.every ;None C.either ;Some D.other ;Many
14.--I have forgotten my bread.--Never mind ,you can have .
A.some of us B.some of our C.some of ours D.many of ours
15.Would you like more coffee.
A.little B.any C.some D.another
16.has happended ,Iwant you to tell me about it.
A.Something B.Everything C.Anything D.Nothing
17.twenty boys were playing football at that time yesterday.
A.Each B.Some C.No one D.Nither
18.I don’t know of these people ,for they are new workers.
A.any B.some C.one D.much
19.of them is good at singing.
A.Both B.All C.No one D.Neither
20.Can I have bottle of orange,please?
A.another B.other C.others D.the others
21.Sorry,I can’t answer your question.I know about the subject.
A.a little B.little C.few D.a few
22.The man missed the bus.Is why he wos late for the meeting.
A.It B.That C.This D.All
23.—How many books are there on the table --Only four.--?
A.This is all right B.That’s all right C.That’s right D.It is all right

14 .There are shops on OTHERside of the street . MANY (商店超过很多,三个以上)of them don’t close till 12 at night..
D.other ;Many
14.--I have forgotten my bread.--Never mind ,you can have? .
C.some of ours (bread是不可数名词,不能够用满意;ours = our bread)
15.Would you like ? more coffee.
16.?has happended ,I want you to tell me about it.
17. ? twenty boys were playing football at that time yesterday.
句子中的谓语动词是were playing,说明主语是复数 ,其余几个选项只代表单数.

18.I don’t know ? of these people ,for they are new workers.
19. of them is good at singing.
能够跟谓语动词is搭配的只有no one 和 neither,另外只能讲none of them 或 neither of them.

20.Can I have? bottle of orange, please?
A.another 几瓶中的另一瓶
B.other 只能用在复数名词前,即other bottles
C.others 单用是代词,后面不可带有名词;
D.the others 同上,但前者指的是任意的其他一些,后者却是剩余的其他一些.
21.Sorry,I can’t answer your question.I know ?about thesubject.
A.a little 表示不可数,知道一点
B.little 表示不可数,几乎不知道
C.few 表示可数,
D.a few 表示可数,
22.The man missed the bus.? Is why he wos late for the meeting.
B.That 远指,指代已经发生过的某事;
C.This 近指,指代眼前发生着的某事;
D.All 与语义不相符
23.—How many books are there on the table ?--Only four. --?
A.This is all rightB.That’s all rightC.That’s rightD.It is all right