


你为什么不自己做呢?第88课最简单了!!!我告诉你吧,你这种人是最投机取巧的了!!!严重鄙视!!!!!!! (#‘′)凸 !!!!!!

1 Did he find his pen a minute ago? He didn't find his pen a minute ago.
2 Did he get a new television last week? He didn't get a new television last week.
3 Did you hear the news on the radio? We didn't hear the news on the radio.
4 Did they leave this morning? They didn't leave this morning.
5 Did he lose his umbrella yesterday? He didn't lose 6 Did you sweep the floor this morning? I didn't sweep the floor this morning

1 Has he met Mrs. Jones yet? Yes, he has already met Mrs. Jones.
When did he meet Mrs. Jones? He net her two weeks ago.
2 Has the boss left yet? Yes,the boss has already left.
When did the boss leave? He left ten minutes ago.
3 Has he had breakfast yet? Yes, he has already had breakfast.
When did he have breakfast? He had breakfast at half past seven.
4 Has she found her pen yet? Yes, she has already found her pen.
When did she find her pen? She found her pen an hour ago.
5 Has he got a television yet? Yes, he has already got a television.
When did he get a television? He got a television two weeks ago.
6 Has she heard the news yet? Yes, she has already heard the news.
When did she hear the news? She heard the news yesterday.
7 Has she made the bed yet? Yes, she has already made the bed.
When did she make the bed? She made the bed this morning.
8 Has he sent the letter yet? Yes, he has already sent the letter.
When did he send the letter? He sent the letter the day before yesterday.
9 Has she swept the floor yet? Yes, she has already swept the floor.
When did she sweep the floor? She swept the floor yesterday morning.
10 Has she told him the truth yet? Yes, she has already told him the truth.
When did she tell him the truth? She told him the truth last night.

Lesson 88A1 Did he find his pen a minute ago?He didn't find his pen a minute ago.2 Did he get a new television last week?He didn't get a new television last week.3 Did you hear the news on the radio?W...

太感谢,帮我大忙忙忙了 啊 正为这个头疼呢 楼上的 投机取巧你看看你自己吧 还88最简单了 我还说第2课做简单呢 用脚趾头都能想出来的题 88 你随便抓一把六年级生 75%都不会