英语达人进 直接引语 变 间接引语 题在下面 别蒙我 蒙我死全家


英语达人进 直接引语 变 间接引语 题在下面 别蒙我 蒙我死全家
1jack said iwas born in 1998
2mr king said to his son you must come back before eight this evening
3the man asked the boy do you want to join us
4my uncle asked when will you come back
5can i copy your homework mary asked me
6my sister said to me i will write a letter to my friend

1jack said that he was born in 1998 2mr king said to his son that he must come back before eight this evening 3the man asked the boy if he wanted to join them4my uncle asked when i would come back 5 m...你的对吗? 第二个应该是came backcome back因为must是情态动词,情态动词后加动词原形。你什么学历啊这和学历无关,是英语语法常识,孩子。