英语介词题1.I well buy two pair of shoes_____$50.2.We have socks _____all colors.3.I eat an egg _____breakfast.4.It is far away _____China_____America.5.Where is Llily?We all here ____her.(第五题是选择)A.besides B.about C.cxpect D.with


1.I well buy two pair of shoes_____$50.
2.We have socks _____all colors.
3.I eat an egg _____breakfast.
4.It is far away _____China_____America.
5.Where is Llily?We all here ____her.(第五题是选择)
A.besides B.about C.cxpect D.with

1、of two pairs of shoes of 50,两双价值50元的鞋子
2、in in all colors,所有的颜色
3、for have sth for breakfast 固定的词组搭配,记住就好!
5、C except~~除了...(不包括所说的内容);besides~~除了..(包括所说的)举个例子吧,I like English,besides,I like maths~~~我喜欢英语,除此之外,我还喜欢数学. I like English except maths~~我喜欢英语但不喜欢数学!

1.at 相当于at the price of $50,省略了price
2.with 意思是“有”(这个我不是很确定)
3.for 早餐吃了什么,eat sth.for breakfast,大约是“为了”的意思.
4.from to 从……到……
5.C 意思是“除了”,因为莉莉没来,所以我们都在这儿了,除了她.