what i should wear还是what should i wear 哪个对啊 有什么区别I am going to a friends birthday party,Can youtell me_______?A what i should wear B how to wear C what to wear it Dwhat should i wear


what i should wear还是what should i wear 哪个对啊 有什么区别
I am going to a friends birthday party,Can youtell me_______?
A what i should wear B how to wear
C what to wear it Dwhat should i wear



【Can youtell me_______?】是宾语从句,横线上的内容作宾语成分.一般情况下宾语从句应该是正常语序,即what i should wear.如果是单独问句则是What should i wear?
The question is 【where we are going to have lunch】
I don't know 【how I can study English well】
Can you tell me 【what the answer is】?
I wonder(A)
A.what is the matter with the old woman.
B.what the matter is with the old woman.
C.what does the old woman do.
D.what is the old woman doing
what is the matter……这个句型是例外的,在宾语从句里作宾语却不是正常语序,没有什么理由,把这个规律记住就是了~

what should i wear,在一般疑问句中情态动词放在疑问词后