阅读理解:阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,选择正确答案Dear Sally,When you go to see your brother,you can take some things to him:his math book,which you borrowed last week,a baseball,notebook,CDs and video cassette.You both can play baseball tomorrow afternoon.The CDs are needed listening by your brother.And you will enjoy the VCD together.The math book is on the dresser.The baseball is under the bed.The CDs are in the drawer.The video cassette is behind the computer.I have put t


Dear Sally,
When you go to see your brother,you can take some things to him:his math book,which you borrowed last week,a baseball,notebook,CDs and video cassette.You both can play baseball tomorrow afternoon.The CDs are needed listening by your brother.And you will enjoy the VCD together.The math book is on the dresser.The baseball is under the bed.The CDs are in the drawer.The video cassette is behind the computer.I have put them away.OK?
Have a good time!Baby!
( )1.You will take ________ things to your brother when you go to see him.A.five B.same C.three
( )2.The math book is from ________.
A.mother B.brother C.Sally
( )3.Which of the followings are not taken with you?
A.CDs B.basketball C.a notebook
( )4.Why will you take a VCD?
A.To give it back to my brother.
B.To watch it with my brother.
C.To sell it to my brother.