1.according to ( ) report released in August,2010,China is now ( ) second to none in economic out


1.according to ( ) report released in August,2010,China is now ( ) second to none in economic out
1.) according to ( ) report released in August,2010,China is now ( ) second to none in economic output in Asia .A,a ,the.B.the,the.C.a,不填 D.the,a
2.)Ray Winstone's days as a yong boxer shaped his personality and ( )him for Hollywood.【A】 A.prepared.B.allowed.C.supported.D.offered
3).the pain of such headaches can increase if not ( ) in time and it can be so serious at times that the patient may fall unconscious.
A.being dealt with B.dealing with C.to be dealt with D.dealt with

1.)report 前用不定冠词表明八月份发布的报告不止一个,这只是其中的一个,这里的“a”表示“某一个”之意.second to none为一短语,“独一无二,首屈一指”,故其前不用定冠词.2)and 连接两个并列成份,故后一个谓语动...