

Dear Mr Broom,
Your friend I am writing to thank you with your kind help______Before you came to teach us.I hadn't interest in_______English My pronunciation was very terribly. I
could____only speak a few English words.But one and a half month______laler. I thank English fan tu learn now. I got
a let_______from your encouraging words. I will always remember______what you said,If you try to you can can bu the
first______ I hope you've had pleaseod journey home and will______come to china again sometimes in the fature. I will________write again and send you my friend the photos
we are together.
You Dear
Li Hai

with 改成 for
hadn't 改成 wasn't
terribly 改成 terrible
a few 改成 few
let 改成 lot

pleaseod 改成 pleased
sometimes 改成 sometime