

(2)Punishment,the Better Choice
Prevention brought us a world fullof distrust.We can’t ensure real safety by such way,what we get,is a *built ourselves.However,there are still another different way,punishment.
What can it bring to us?Can itreally make a difference?Here we go.The meaning of the punishment,of course,is a legal sanction.Governments make laws let punishment legalized,then wecan use such events always happen,using punishment system to ensure our citizens’safety is still a long way to go.
But after our punishment systembeing gradually imprecate,we will see the really difference.We won’t be sofrightened with the unsafety events,cause there are few of them at that time.Wewill be no need to live in our ‘safety *’,we can walk outside with ourdear friends,our lovely neighbors,without any suspicion.We can live in aworld,more peaceful and friendly.

总体而言,写的不错. 但还有不足,需要改进 (比如,思维逻辑,语法及选择恰当的单词方面).具体的看我以下的修改:(2)Punishment- A Better ChoicePrevention brought us a world full of distrust. What we get from p...