英语~将两个句子合成 一个定语从句


英语~将两个句子合成 一个定语从句
1 the shark team has done badly today ,it played well last season
2 we climbed up to the top of the building,from therer we had a better view of the square
3 the shop is closed for women's day ,its assistants are all women

1 The shark team,which played well last season,has done badly today.2 We climbed up to the top of the building,where we can had a better view of the square.3 the shop,whose assistants are all women,is...请问第三个句子的中文 怎么翻译?这个都雇佣女营业员的商店在妇女节的时候没有营业。哦 不好意思我再问一个句子 there is no living on the moon,there is no water or air there。麻烦你了 待会我加分给你在月亮上没有生物,也没有水和空气~翻译我知道,我是说怎么合并成定语从句 谢谢There is no living on the moon,where is no water or air.