英语翻译Out of these scattered pieces came a hierarchic classification of orders of message and (therefore) of orders of learning,the beginnings of a theory of "schizophrenia" and with it an attempt,very premature.这个句子怎样翻译?(therefore) of orders of前面怎么有个副词的?用括号括着是不是代表可有可无,如果把它去掉那它后面的of是不是也要去掉with it an attempt 这句是什么结构 好像不完整的 假如不完整,那完整结构是怎样的?还有an attempt 作什么成分


Out of these scattered pieces came a hierarchic classification of orders of message and (therefore) of orders of learning,the beginnings of a theory of "schizophrenia" and with it an attempt,very premature.
(therefore) of orders of前面怎么有个副词的?用括号括着是不是代表可有可无,如果把它去掉那它后面的of是不是也要去掉
with it an attempt 这句是什么结构 好像不完整的 假如不完整,那完整结构是怎样的?还有an attempt 作什么成分


括号里强调了一个可有可无的意思,我下面解释.但是前半句后面的 of 不能去掉,去掉意思就改了.classfication of A and of B,是原文语法,所指是A的分类与B的分类 - 是两种事物分别的分类.再加上(therefore):classifica...