英语翻译1,下面为大家介绍中国婚礼中三个非常有特色的元素.2.无论是这三个元素还是中国婚礼习俗他们都是一种文化作为一名中国人唯有我们铭记这种文化才能将中国传统文化传承下去.还有一句:关于红双喜(Double Happiness)还有一个有趣的传说,如果有兴趣的同学可以进一步了解他的由来。


还有一句:关于红双喜(Double Happiness)还有一个有趣的传说,如果有兴趣的同学可以进一步了解他的由来。

Now i will introduce the Chinese wedding of the three very special element。
Whether these three elements is or they are a kind of Chinese wedding customs of the Chinese culture as a culture we can not but bear in mind that traditional Chinese culture can be passed along

1, the following to introduce the Chinese wedding of the three very special element. 2. Whether these three elements is that they are a kind of Chinese wedding customs of the Chinese culture as a culture we can not but bear in mind that traditional Chinese culture can be passed along.

1.and now i shall briefly introduce three very special and unique elements in chinese weddings
2.be it these three elements or the traditions in chinese weddings,they are all part of our chinese culture and as Chinese,we have to keep them in mind in order for them to be passed down for generations to come
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