英语翻译What is still problematic in this context is the monetary evaluation of this success.For sales employees,for instance,it is rather easy to evaluate the success of their activities in monetary terms (number and volume of contracts concluded),whereas for HR administrators this is much more difficult.The dilemma is that while the costs can be identified on a quantitative basis,success can only be expressed in terms of quality.There are different exam


What is still problematic in this context is the monetary evaluation of this success.For sales employees,for instance,it is rather easy to evaluate the success of their activities in monetary terms (number and volume of contracts concluded),whereas for HR administrators this is much more difficult.The dilemma is that while the costs can be identified on a quantitative basis,success can only be expressed in terms of quality.There are different examples of how you can work around or solve this problem.One option is to define the desired benefit.With regard to executives,this might translate to low fluctuation in the respective department.This benefit can then be evaluated on a monetary basis,if you take into account the costs saved by avoiding the recruitment of new employees.
The option of creating online applications directly for job advertisements and transferring the data directly to an existing ERP system relieves the HR department considerably from administrative tasks such as entering applicant master data.In order to “lure” applicants to a specific website,there are traffic generators such as entering the website into search machines (Altavista,Fireball,Google,Lycos) and directories such as web.de an Yahoo.Entries in meta job exchanges in which only career-relevant websites are entered (e.g.www.monster.com ,www.careerbuilder.com , ) are possible.
The prerequisite for both requirement and for qualifications profiles is the creation of a qualifications catalog.Our discussion has less to do with maintaining this catalog in mySAP HR and more to do with the design activity in creating such a catalog.Determining the qualifications that already exist in a company and the selection of those qualifications to be implemented in the system represents quite a challenge.The easiest way of doing this is to compile qualifications if there is a clear policy in a company regarding the requirements for a position.This is particularly the case in public services,as there are straightforward job descriptions compiled from different activities which in turn result in the grouping to a specific pay scale.The counterpart to this,the qualifications profile and an example of a profile comparison,are described in Section 6.2.3.
A few examples,such as press or Internet/intranet,make it clear what is meant by the term media.This involves classifications and groupings that enable you to combine several instruments.In addition,you can assign a medium to unsolicited applicants through which they have contacted the company.


什么是仍然在这方面的问题是货币评价这一成功.销售员工,例如,它是比较容易评估他们的活动取得成功的以货币形式(数目和数量的合同结束) ,而对人力资源管理人员,这是更为困难.面临的困境是,虽然成本上可确定一个量化的基础上,成功只能是体现在质量方面.有不同的实例,说明如何可以解决或解决这个问题.一种选择是,确定所期望的利益.关于管理人员,这可能会转化为低波动在各自的部门.这得益于然后可以评估的基础上的货币,如果你考虑到节约的费用,避免招聘新员工.
选择创建在线应用程序直接招聘广告和数据直接传输到现有的ERP系统减轻人力资源部很大行政任务,如进入申请人主数据.为了“引诱”申请人到特定网站上,有交通发电机如进入网站到搜索机(站,火球,谷歌,莱科斯)和目录,如web.de了雅虎.条目在Meta工作交流中,只有职业生涯相关网站输入(例如:www.monster.com ,www.careerbuilder.com , )是可能的.
双方的前提条件和资格的概况是,创造一种资格目录.我们的讨论已经不大,维持在此目录的mySAP人力资源和更多地与设计活动,建立这样一个目录.资格认定中已经存在的一家公司,并选择那些资格予以实施该系统相当的挑战.最简单的做法是编制资格是否有一个明确的政策在公司的要求方面的立场.这是尤其如此在公共服务部门,因为有直接的职务说明,汇编从不同的活动,这反过来又导致分组到特定的薪级表.对应这一点,形象和资格的一个例子形象比较,节阐述了6.2.3 .
几个例子,如新闻或Internet / Intranet的,明确的含义是什么任期媒体.这涉及到分类和组合,使您可以结合一些文书.此外,您还可以指定一个不请自来的申请人中,通过他们公司联系.