You are an important consumer .You have money to buy things.Your parents or other family members buy things for you.(1)Shopping malls selling toys,books and clothes,want your business.Friends may tell you what to buy,or they may have something that you want to buy.your,may,family,tell,members,you,can’t,buy,you,what.Some advertisements attract you because of the colorful picture.You think:I need this.I have to have it.I’m buying it.But I would like to


You are an important consumer .You have money to buy things.Your parents or other family members buy things for you.(1)Shopping malls selling toys,books and clothes,want your business.Friends may tell you what to buy,or they may have something that you want to buy.your,may,family,tell,members,you,can’t,buy,you,what.Some advertisements attract you because of the colorful picture.You think:I need this.I have to have it.I’m buying it.But I would like to tell you.Think before you buy it.Ask yourself:Do I really need this?
1.Why are we an important consumer?____________________________________________
2.According to the writer,when should we buy things?____________________________________________
5.What does the word “attract” mean in Chinese?_______________________

1 Because we need to buy things for a lot of reasons and merchants need our business to support them.
2. When we really need something.
3. 商场销售玩具、书、衣服,希望顾客消费。
4 Your family members may tell you what you can't buy.
5 吸引,诱惑

1,Because we have money to buy things.And our parents and other family members buy things for us too.'
2,We should buy things when we feel that we really need them.
4,You family members may tell you what you can't buy.

答案 :1: Because we have money and our parents or other members will buy things for us. 2: we should only buy things when we really need it. 3:购物中心里面卖玩具,书本,衣服之类的东西,他们需要你们的...