1.who would you choose as your best friend,Suzy?i'd choose Max,i can go to her when somethingworries me.请问此句中为什么用would 是表示过去习惯吗,还是过去将来时?另go to her 怎样译?2.when he walks past our desks .he often knocks our books and pens onto the floor.请问walks past 能换成walk by 另 knock onto和 knock into的区别3.don't knock the bottle over.这个句子能这样表达吗:don't knock over the bottle.要说为什么?


1.who would you choose as your best friend,Suzy?i'd choose Max,i can go to her when something
worries me.请问此句中为什么用would 是表示过去习惯吗,还是过去将来时?另go to her 怎样译?
2.when he walks past our desks .he often knocks our books and pens onto the floor.请问walks past 能换成walk by 另 knock onto和 knock into的区别
3.don't knock the bottle over.这个句子能这样表达吗:don't knock over the bottle.要说为什么?