where接介词的用法"A closer reading give us a good idea of where in the text to look for answers to specific questions."这句中的"where to look for answers"是作of 的宾语,但为什么where后可跟to do 形式并作宾语呢?求答,


"A closer reading give us a good idea of where in the text to look for answers to specific questions."这句中的"where to look for answers"是作of 的宾语,但为什么where后可跟to do 形式并作宾语呢?求答,


在这里 where to look for answers 是做 a good idea 的宾语补足语.
idea 后面加 of where to,of how to,是一种习惯用法,来进一步说明idea的具体内容.例如:
an idea of where to go sightseeing
an idea of how to solve the problem