阅读填空或选择:There is a new park near my house.It's a fine day today.My parents and I are in the park now.On my left,there is a cafe.People can drink coffee there.On my right,there is a big lake.There are many flowers and trees near the lake.There's a small hill behind the lake.Near the lake,there is a sign. It says,"Don't swim in the lake!"There is a playground in the middle of the park.There are some small shops near the gate.The park is so beautiful.We


阅读填空或选择:There is a new park near my house.It's a fine day today.

My parents and I are in the park now.On my left,there is a cafe.People can drink coffee there.On my right,there is a big lake.There are many flowers and trees near the lake.There's a small hill behind the lake.Near the lake,there is a sign. It says,"Don't swim in the lake!"There is a playground in the middle of the park.There are some small shops near the gate.The park is so beautiful.We like it very muc.

The park is___my house.

2.People can't__in the lake.

3.The shops in the park are not___.

4.A cafe is a place for people to have.

5.__is the be best title for the text. a.The new but lonely park  b.The new and clean park  c.The new and beautiful park.


  The bell rings,and the lat class in the morning is over.It is twelve o'clock.It is time for lunch.What is for hunch today ? Every one of us is looking curiously.Wow,there is soup,fish,meat and vegetables.They smell nice.The Chinese teacher is giving the lunch to us now.We are sitting quietly,waiting for our food.We all like to eat in the classroom together.It feels like a warm family.

It is eleven o'clock.It is time for lunch.

2.The Chinese teacher is talking to us now.

3.We can have soup,meat,fish and vegetables today.

4.We are waiting for our food.

5.Some of us do not like to eat together.

1:错 是12点
2:错. The Chinese teacher is giving the luch to us now.
5:错. we all like to eat in the classroom together.