英语翻译if weren't for the generosity and sympathy of our babysitter,I don't know how I would have fed my boys.Our babysitter would voluntarily(offer) to bring over groceries once in a while,especially during the holidays,when our boys would be joyful when an extra chocolate(covered) Santa Claus or Easter Bunny arrived with her.括号是纠结的选项~还有就是全段翻译.怎么都翻译不通顺啊,只有再这里请教各位大大了.


if weren't for the generosity and sympathy of our babysitter,I don't know how I would have fed my boys.Our babysitter would voluntarily(offer) to bring over groceries once in a while,especially during the holidays,when our boys would be joyful when an extra chocolate(covered) Santa Claus or Easter Bunny arrived with her.括号是纠结的选项~还有就是全段翻译.怎么都翻译不通顺啊,只有再这里请教各位大大了.
