英语翻译.[注意]:请用英语翻译以下短文,强烈鄙视使用“翻译器”直译句子的人!请不要使用太深奥的单词,最好在高中以内的单词就行.答得好我承诺再追加50分.以下为要翻译的内容:___________________________________________________________________ 失败是一件坏事,也是一件好事.失败可以使我们成长,失败可以让我们明白许多道理,失败也意味着各种各样的希望.在我看来,失败不是一件可怕的事情,重要的是你如何去面对它.在人的一生中,都要经历很多件事情.其中,面对失败,不同的人会有不同的态度.有的人一遇见失败,他就会很消极,没有想过去征服它.这样的人将会永远失败.另外一种人面对失败时,他们总会积极的寻找失败的原因,重新再来.这样的人将成功.失败是成功的母亲,只要我们积极的面对失败,我们将会走向成功.___________________________________________________________________ .



Essays tell us that failure is a bad thing, is a good thing. Failure allows us to grow, failure allows us to understand many principles, failure also means that all kinds of hope.
In my opinion, failure is not an awful thing, it is important to you how to face it.
People at life, go through a lot of things. Which, in the face of failure, different people have different attitude.
Some saw the failure of one person, he would have very negative and did not want the past to conquer it. Such people will always fail.
Faced with the failure of another person, they will always look for positive reasons for the failure to re-let. This person will be successful.
Failure is the mother of success, as long as the positive face of our failure will be our success.

失败是成功的母亲,只要我们积极的面对失败,我们将会走向成功. 翻译如下:
Essay tells us that failure is a bad thing, is a good thing. Failure allows us to grow, the failure will allow us to understand many principles, failure also means that all kinds of hope.
In my view, failure is not a terrible thing, it is important to you how to face it.
In human life, must go through a lot of things. Which, in the face of failure, different people have different attitude.
I met some people fail, he would have very negative and did not want the past to conquer it. Such a person will always fail.
Faced with the failure of another person, they will always look for positive reasons for the failure to re-let. Such a person will be successful.
Failure is the mother of success, as long as we face the failure of the positive, we will be successful.

This passage tells us that even though failure is a bad thing, it does have its benefits. Failure can help us grow, and it teaches us a lot about life; failure means that there's still hope to go on and improve.
In my opinion, failure is nothing to be afraid of, the most important thing to the manner with which it is dealt with.
There are many obstacles in life, many milestones to be passes, different experiences will lead to completely different attitudes when encountering failure.
Some become very passive whenever they fail at their goals, but never think to conquer the problems that come their way.
Others are able to actively find the reason for their lack of success, and start over; these people will eventually succeed.
Failure is the mother of success, as long as we bear a positive attitude in the face of failure, we are already half way on the road of success.

The passage tells us that failure is a bad thing,but it is also a good thing. Failure allows us to grow, failure allows us to understand many justifications, failure also means all kinds of hope.
As far as I'm concerned, failure is not an awful thing, it is how you face to it that really matters.
People go through lots of things in their lifetime. And different people may have different attitudes towards failure.
Some people are very negative when the moment he fails,he did not want to conquer it. Such people will surely and always fail.
Others will always look for positive reasons for the failure to re-let when faced with the failure. These people will be successful.
Failure is the mother of success, as long as we face the failure with a positive attitude.We will be surely on our way to success.
我自己翻的 大学英语四级水平吧

Essay tells us that failure is a bad thing, is a good thing. Failure allows us to grow, the failure will allow us to understand many principles, failure also means that all kinds of hope.
In my view, failure is not a terrible thing, it is important to you how to face it.
In human life, must go through a lot of things. Which, in the face of failure, different people have different attitude.
I met some people fail, he would have very negative and did not want the past to conquer it. Such a person will always fail.
Faced with the failure of another person, they will always look for positive reasons for the failure to re-let. Such a person will be successful.
Failure is the mother of success, as long as we face the failure of the positive, we will be successful.

This essay sends us the information that failure won’t always play a bad role; it can also be good for us. Failure can help us grow up and teach us a lot of life experiences, what’s more, failures often mean a great variety of hope.
The way I see it, failure is not a horrible situation at all, what matter is how to face it.
Throughout life, man will inevitably experience a lot. While failure comes, different people will hold different attitudes.
Some people treat the failure negatively. And he who never tried to conquer failure will never succeed.
However, another kind of people always do their best to find out the reasons of failure with a light heart and then start again, they are the ones that supposed to be succeed.
Failure teaches success, we will step on the road to success finally if only we can confront the failure actively.

This novella has told us, failure is not a curse but a blessing. Failure can make us mature, failure lets us make sense of many principles of life, failure implies a variety of hopes of redemption.
In my point of view, failure is not a scaring matter, the most significant point is how you would like to face to it. In our life, we got to go through many adventures. Different people got different attitudes to look on the failure. Some of them are so negative that they never think about overcoming the problem while facing to the failure. The others always look for the factors of their failure actively and restart their careers. This kind of people usually get success eventually.
Failure is the mother of the success, as long as we are able to face to the failure with a kind of positive mental attitude, we will get closer and closer to the success anyway.

The article tells us failure is not only a bad thing but also a good thing.Failure can help us grow up and learn of a lot of truths.Failure is also a signal of different kinds of hopes.For my point of view,it’s not horrifying to be failure but what’s important is how to face it.One has to have experiences on many things in his whole life.Confronted with failure,different people show varied attitudes.Some people would act passively instead of making attempts to overcome failure upon its presentation.People of such kind will be losers forever.While the others would take active actions to find out causes of failure and will start a new life.So such people will make success.
Failure is mother of success.As long as we’re positively facing,we’ll make success.

This essay tells us that failure is a bad thing,meanwhile it is a good thing.Failure can make us grow,it also make us realize many common sense(认识道理到很多道理英语里老外都这么说的)Failure means various of hope.
To me,failure isn't a terrible thing,the important is how to face it.
Everyone will come through lots of things in their lifetime.While failure comes, different people will hold different attitudes.someone who treats it negatively without thinking how to conquer it will lose forever.While the others who always try to find out the reason and restart will be success.
Failure is the mother of success,as long as we face the failure with a positive attitude,we will walk up to success.