英语翻译:1.他的目标是自己造一艘轮船 His aim is ___ ___a ship by himself2.这次夏令营的规定之一是不许在小湖里钓鱼 One of the rules of the camp ___ ___ ___ ____in the lake3. 克拉克先生让他的儿子站在阳光下数小时作为惩罚Mr clark___ his son___ ____the sun for hours as a punishment4.我们不应该让恐惧阻止我们实现自己的目标we should not_____the fears_____us from hours 5她的梦想是在伦敦奥运会上赢得一枚金牌she dream is———————— ————————


英语翻译:1.他的目标是自己造一艘轮船 His aim is ___ ___a ship by himself
One of the rules of the camp ___ ___ ___ ____in the lake
3. 克拉克先生让他的儿子站在阳光下数小时作为惩罚
Mr clark___ his son___ ____the sun for hours as a punishment
we should not_____the fears_____us from hours
she dream is———————— ————————

even as the Phoenix charity has seen a tripling in the number of requests by hard pressed Arizonans for help with food ,rent and utilities .

to build
is that no fishing
made stand in
let keep
to win a gold medal at the london Olympics Games

1.to make
2.is`t allowed to fish
3.asked to stand
4.let stop
5.to win a gold medal in the London Olympic Games

1 making himself
2 is not to fish
3 let stand in
4 let stop
5 winning a gold medal in the London Olympic Games

1.His aim is to build a ship by himself.
2.On of the rules of the camp is that no fishing in the lake.
3.Mr.Clark made his son stand in the sun for hours as a punishment.
4.We should not let the fears keep us from hours(hours?Or shouldn't it be our goals)
5.She( it should be her) dream is to win a gold medal at the London Olympics Games.(只有两个空吗?)