英语翻译1、You are talking your hat!Only a credulous person will believe your story.2、同时,东部地区应该继续采取联合开发、互利合作和对口支援等多种形式,加大对中西部地区的支持力度.3、江苏省地势低平坦荡,河湖水面广阔,土壤富饶肥沃.4、他看看我,又看看其他人,没有说话.5、我已经提前完成了交给我的工作,他也提前完成交给他的工作.6、他的好朋友们听到她家中的困难情况后,都主动伸出援助之手.7、近年来,中泰两国国民经济发展迅速,为两国的经济、贸易合作提供了良好的基础.


1、You are talking your hat!Only a credulous person will believe your story.

1, You... hat sucstressed suvs. How a credulous story by your cd-rom largel7y.
2, at the same time, the eastern region should continue to take joint development, mutually beneficial cooperation and provide assistance and so on many kinds of form, to increase its support in the Midwest.
3, jiangsu plains.it is magnanimous, petrology, wide, soil water fertile and rich.
4 and he looked at me, and look at others, did not speak.
5, I have fulfilled my assigned work, he also completed ahead to his work.
6, his good friends heard about her family difficulties, they offered her a helping hand.
7, in recent years, zhongtai two countries for rapid development of national economy, the economic and trade between the two countries provide a good foundation for cooperation.

2, at the same time, the eastern region should continue to take joint development, mutually beneficial cooperation and provide assistance and so on many kinds of form, to increase its support in the Midwest.
3, jiangsu plains.it is magnanimous, petrology, wide, soil water fertile and rich.
4 and he looked at me, and look at others, did not speak.
5, I have fulfilled my assigned work, he also completed ahead to his work.
6, his good friends heard about her family difficulties, they offered her a helping hand.
7, in recent years, zhongtai two countries for rapid development of national economy, the economic and trade between the two countries provide a good foundation for cooperation

2.At the same time,the east should take various measures,like joint development,mutually beneficial cooperation and counterpart support,to strengthen the support to the middle east.
3.The landscape in Jiangsu province is low-lying and flat.The water surface is open and wide.The soil is rich and fertile.
4.He looked at me and then other people,without saying a word.
5.I’ve finished my work ahead of schedule and so has he.
6.All if his good friends stretched out a helping hand when they heard of his the difficult situations
7.In recent years,the rapid economic development of China and Thailand lays a solid foundation for the bilateral cooperation of economics and trade.