he put his hand into his pocket 语法分析这里的his hand是间接宾语吗?into his pocket 这个介词短语做直接宾语?


he put his hand into his pocket 语法分析
这里的his hand是间接宾语吗?into his pocket 这个介词短语做直接宾语?

put sth into sth/把什么放入什么里eg:I put my pen into pencilbox
take sth out of sth/把什么从什么里拿出eg:I take math book out of my schoolbag

he put his hand into his pocket 语法分析
宾语:his hand
状语:into his pocket

句子成分分析可以解决的疑问:【He主语】【 put谓语动词的主体动词】【 his hand 宾语】【into 谓语动词搭配的介词】【his pocket 宾语】这是动词短语put sth into sth else 连接的两个宾语.Please 【hand谓语动词】...

介词短语作状语, his hand 就是直接宾语