中译英,一段文字,谢谢~~练塘工程介绍500kV练塘变电站220kV出线工程,新建线路全长约81.9km,途经松江、青浦、金山三区.本期工程500kV练塘变电站的220kV出线为12回,采用架空线出线,分别为干练变4回,青浦站2回,辰塔站4回,万安2回;采用同塔双回路、四回路架空线形式架设,导线采用2×JL/LB1A-630/45,地线采用ACSR/AS-80/47.沿线气象条件为:设计风速:30 m/s,复冰厚度:5mm,最高温度: +40 ℃,最低温度:-10℃,年平均温度:15℃.沿线所经地区为 III级污秽区.本工程线路需跨越泖河、拦路港、太浦河、规划在建A15、A30等重要河道和公路.其中跨越泖河段,河道宽度约为420m,线路跨越最低弧垂吴淞高程在27m以上.本工程初设阶段考虑使用耐直直耐方式跨越,跨越档档距约为550m,塔型为ZT4-66,铁塔呼高为66m,全高为82.7m,铁塔一览图如下.请不要用机器直接翻译


500kV练塘变电站220kV出线工程,新建线路全长约81.9km,途经松江、青浦、金山三区.本期工程500kV练塘变电站的220kV出线为12回,采用架空线出线,分别为干练变4回,青浦站2回,辰塔站4回,万安2回;采用同塔双回路、四回路架空线形式架设,导线采用2×JL/LB1A-630/45,地线采用ACSR/AS-80/47.沿线气象条件为:设计风速:30 m/s,复冰厚度:5mm,最高温度: +40 ℃,最低温度:-10℃,年平均温度:15℃.沿线所经地区为 III级污秽区.

500kV liantang substation project, new lines 220kV outlet stretches approximately 81.9 km, songjiang, qingpu, jinshan areas. This project 500kV liantang substation 220kV outlet for 12 back by bus, respectively, change, return capable qingpu station 2 April 4, Calvin tower stood back and Ann 2 back, Using double loop, and presents four forms of aerial wire, erection by 2 x JL/LB1A - 45, the ground USES 630 / ACSR/AS - 80/47. Meteorological conditions along for: design wind speed: 30 m/s, ice thickness, the highest temperature: 5mm: 40 ° c + +, minimum temperature: - 10 degrees Celsius, the annual average temperature: 15 degrees Celsius. Along the unclean for level III.
Our project must Mao across the river, line TaiPuHe, planning, road construction as an important channel A15 A30, and highways. Mao across the river, the river of approximately 420m line width, height in HuChui minimum spanning 27m. Wusong The engineering design phase consider using resistance, resistance to way across straight up from about 550m shift gears, tower for ZT4-66, call for 66m high tower, 82.7 m high tower, for in figure below.

Liantang engineering are introduced
500kV liantang substation project, new lines 220kV outlet stretches approximately 81.9 km, songjiang, qingpu, jinshan areas. This project 500kV liantang substation 220kV outlet for 12 back by bus, respectively, change, return capable qingpu station 2 April 4, Calvin tower stood back and Ann 2 back, Using double loop, and presents four forms of aerial wire, erection by 2 x JL/LB1A - 45, the ground USES 630 / ACSR/AS - 80/47. Meteorological conditions along for: design wind speed: 30 m/s, ice thickness, the highest temperature: 5mm: 40 ° c + +, minimum temperature: - 10 degrees Celsius, the annual average temperature: 15 degrees Celsius. Along the unclean for level III.
Our project must Mao across the river, line TaiPuHe, planning, road construction as an important channel A15 A30, and highways. Mao across the river, the river of approximately 420m line width, height in HuChui minimum spanning 27m. Wusong The engineering design phase consider using resistance, resistance to way across straight up from about 550m shift gears, tower for ZT4-66, call for 66m high tower, 82.7 m high tower, for in figure below.

Liantang project introductionAs to the 220kv line outlet project of 500kv Liantang transformer substation project,the overall length of the new line is 81.9km,via three districts of Songjiang,Qingpu,J...

Liantang engineering are introduced
500kV liantang substation project, new lines 220kV outlet stretches approximately 81.9 km, songjiang, qingpu, jinshan areas. This project 500kV liantang substation 220kV outlet for 12 back by bus, respectively, change, return capable qingpu station 2 April 4, Calvin tower stood back and Ann 2 back, Using double loop, and presents four forms of aerial wire, erection by 2 x JL/LB1A - 45, the ground USES 630 / ACSR/AS - 80/47. Meteorological conditions along for: design wind speed: 30 m/s, ice thickness, the highest temperature: 5mm: 40 ° c + +, minimum temperature: - 10 degrees Celsius, the annual average temperature: 15 degrees Celsius. Along the unclean for level III.
Our project must Mao across the river, line TaiPuHe, planning, road construction as an important channel A15 A30, and highways. Mao across the river, the river of approximately 420m line width, height in HuChui minimum spanning 27m. Wusong The engineering design phase consider using resistance, resistance to way across straight up from about 550m shift gears, tower for ZT4-66, call for 66m high tower, 82.7 m high tower, for in figure below