高中英语阅读练习题Polygamy is a funny thing―funny ha ha,as well as peculiar.One thinks of the 19th-century Mormon leader,Brigham Young,with his 55 wives (in those days,they said,women married Young).Devout (虔敬的) Mormons hold that a message from God told Young to go ahead and start collecting wives.Skeptics (怀疑者),of course,say that there was something else to this.In any case,it proved to be an efficient means of enabling Mormons to outnumber skeptics.And in fa


Polygamy is a funny thing―funny ha ha,as well as peculiar.One thinks of the 19th-century Mormon leader,Brigham Young,with his 55 wives (in those days,they said,women married Young).Devout (虔敬的) Mormons hold that a message from God told Young to go ahead and start collecting wives.Skeptics (怀疑者),of course,say that there was something else to this.In any case,it proved to be an efficient means of enabling Mormons to outnumber skeptics.And in fairness,some of his wives were elderly women whom he married out of kindness and not because he was attracted to them.
I find it very curious that Western countries,despite how much they pride themselves for their liberalism (人文*主义) about what willing adults do with one another,have been slow to permit willing adults to marry each other at a rate more than one at a time.
What business is it of the states how many people I marry?And by the way,if one can enter into a common law marriage by living with someone for seven years,can one enter into a common law polygamy by living with two?I'd love to see that test case.
But what would it really be like to have multiple spouses?Most men I've asked answer immediately with a knowing smile.And those are the intelligent ones.Their minds immediately create an image something like a sexual (性的) version (看法) of a * Sunday lunch,with many dishes to taste.
In truth,the idea scares me.I spend half my waking hours trying to deal with my childish consciousness to the civilized state known as marriage.It's only by total luck I can hold on to any of my natural state-of-nature qualities—watching violent movies,eating bad food,and acting poorly,the way that men can act poorly when free from the control of women.What if I were outnumbered?
Then there's the spectre (幻影,魔鬼) of a double settlement (解决) if the woman leaves.Modern marriage might be a raw deal for women,but it can be hell (地狱) on men when women leave.Little wonder that men,who write the laws,discourage polygamy.But then again,Mark Twain might have been right; maybe it was just the mother-in-law jokes.
11.What does the word "polygamy" most probably mean in the first sentence?
A.Funny stories.
B.Interesting events.
C.Having more than one wife at the same time.
D.Organizing a social act.
12.According to the passage,which one of the following statements is true?
A.In the 19th century,polygamy was considered a regular practice.
B.Young's wives were all very beautiful and attractive.
C.Polygamy began in the 1800s.
D.Some people think that polygamy is a good idea.

D是指 编组社会法案,“act”有“法案,法令”的意思.根据第一段所举的例子, the 19th-century Mormon leader, Brigham Young, with his 55 wives,可以推断出来polygamy的意思.同时如果文章的结构把握好,就更能肯定答案C了.作者每一段都在段首提出观点,然后展开论述
A的意思是在19世纪,一夫多妻制是人所公认的.而第一段已经说明了是有人【Skeptics (怀疑者)】质疑的,只是支持的一方【Mormons】比质疑反对的一方人数多【outnumber—超出人数】而已.
C全文从来没提过,这叫偷换概念,文中之说有人think of,没说过begin于何时
D答案从第三段的内容可以推断出来是正确的,从“smile”、“Their minds immediately create an image something like a sexual (性的) version (看法) of a * Sunday lunch, with many dishes to taste.” 可以看出they think it is a good idea.
