英语翻译1.儿子痴迷网上交友,让老太太伤心透了.结果,她的身体开始受到极大地伤害(hit,suffer)2.一方面要照顾生病的母亲,一方面又要应付繁重的课程,他几乎没有一点时间可以放松一下(between)、3.一年前,我对如何浏览因特网上的信息还知之甚少,而现在,我却频繁上网聊天,在那儿花了很多时间(on a..basis)(用倒装句开始)、4只有通过登入进入网站,注册后你才能使用该网站上提供的资源.(log in,sign up)(句子用only开头)、5你不必阻止我向她透露真情,她是我最好的朋友,不会泄露我们的秘密的.(keep...from,safe)6这里很多人吸烟,我并不是唯一一个有吸烟习惯的人(score,habit)


3.一年前,我对如何浏览因特网上的信息还知之甚少,而现在,我却频繁上网聊天,在那儿花了很多时间(on a..basis)(用倒装句开始)、
4只有通过登入进入网站,注册后你才能使用该网站上提供的资源.(log in,sign up)(句子用only开头)、

1 The son is obsessed with on-line dating, this is a big hit to his old mother. And as a result, she suffer from this and greatly hurt .
2 He balanced his time between taking care of his sick mother and dealing with heavy course, he hardly have any time to take a rest.
3 A year ago, nothing I know about how to get inforamtion on a basis Interenet page, but now, i spent a lot online, and chat with other frequently.
4 Only after you log in and sign up, you can use the resource offered on this website.
5 You don't need to keep me from telling her the truth, she is my best friend, she can keep the secret safe.
6 There is a lot of people smoke here , I'm not the only one scored in having smoking habits.