请问统计学中名义变量怎么解释,能举个例子吗本人正在自学 discovering statistics using SPSS这本书,毫无统计学相关经验请问 名义变量 nominal variable 能举个具体例子吗书中说 When two things that are equivalent in some sense are given the same name (or number) ,but there are more than two possibilities ,the variable is said to be a nominal variable.
本人正在自学 discovering statistics using SPSS这本书,毫无统计学相关经验
请问 名义变量 nominal variable 能举个具体例子吗
书中说 When two things that are equivalent in some sense are given the same name (or number) ,but there are more than two possibilities ,the variable is said to be a nominal variable.