英语语法(帮忙分析句子)1 i will report the events in a fair way ,not fearing being accused of doing that.请问not fearing being 为什么用这种句式?(ing)2 IT seemed strange that the man who had developed communism should have lived and died in London.翻译是,这位发展了共产主义的人竟然在伦敦生活过.请问,为什么是should have lived 我问的也就是,should have lived 怎么能这么翻译谢谢强大的网友.非常感谢分享(我没分,别骂)


1 i will report the events in a fair way ,not fearing being accused of doing that.请问not fearing being 为什么用这种句式?(ing)
2 IT seemed strange that the man who had developed communism should have lived and died in London.翻译是,这位发展了共产主义的人竟然在伦敦生活过.请问,为什么是should have lived 我问的也就是,should have lived 怎么能这么翻译

第一句:主语:Diana 谓语:quickly realized 宾语从句: that MAKING her dream of shop ownership in Canada A REALITY meant going to school to get

1 i 是主语 will report是谓语 the events是宾语 in a fair way是状语 ,后面是现在分词短语作伴随状语 not fearing是现在分词 being accused of doing that是动名词短语 作现在分词的宾语.
现在分词 作伴随状语 相当于 一个 并列句
原句= i will report the events in a fair way ,and i will not fear being accused of doing that.
用分词 短语 伴随状语 比 并列句 简练 所以用 这种形式
2 IT seemed strange that the man who had developed communism should have lived and died in London. 翻译是,这位发展了共产主义的人竟然生在伦敦 死在伦敦。
这属于 翻译问题 翻译正确 should have done 在这里不是 与过去相反的虚拟语气
而是 表示 对发生过的事 的怀疑 或责备
如 it was surprising that he should have been so foolish .他竟笨到那个样子 真是惊人

你那是一个句子,当然不能出现两个谓语了,所以后面的fear的要用ing形式至于为什么要用这种句式,根据个人理解来写,一样的表达含义可以有很多种书写形式!!!至于后面的should have lived,怎么不能那么翻译啊?多去看看书了解了解吧。。。本来英语就是如此。

(2)因为那个人已经在那生活过了,所以就用should have lived


1,一句话后面逗号,然后doing sth,这是伴随状语的一种形式,相当于副词来修饰前面句子的动词或者整句.而fear doing sth的意思就是be afraid of doing sth,害怕做某事.

