英语翻译1Would you mind moving away your case?( ).I'll move it.A Yes B Sure C Of course D No2What( )you?I get ( )when someone doesn't answer my question.A annoyed;annoyed B annoys;annoyed C annoys;annoying D is annoying;annoyed3I ( )my food an hour ago but it hasn't arrived( ).Why?A have ordered;yet B ordered;already C ordered;yet D would order;already


1Would you mind moving away your case?
( ).I'll move it.
A Yes B Sure C Of course D No
2What( )you?
I get ( )when someone doesn't answer my question.
A annoyed;annoyed B annoys;annoyed C annoys;annoying D is annoying;annoyed
3I ( )my food an hour ago but it hasn't arrived( ).Why?
A have ordered;yet B ordered;already C ordered;yet D would order;already

1Would you mind moving away your case?( ).I'll move it.A Yes B Sure C Of course D No 答案:D 对mind doing的回答:of course not; certainly not; not at all; sorry;等等表示“不”介意的词语.而本题A B C都...