征集一段英语口语情景对话,有关将来职业的A and B are talking about their favorite jobs.A would like to be an international correspondent/doctor/teacher...since it is a glamorous job...But B prefers to be a web-based movie critic/businessman/writer/singer/fashion designer...,beacause...They finally wish each other have their dreams come true.


A and B are talking about their favorite jobs.A would like to be an international correspondent/doctor/teacher...since it is a glamorous job...But B prefers to be a web-based movie critic/businessman/writer/singer/fashion designer...,beacause...They finally wish each other have their dreams come true.

A:I would like to be an international corresspondent iin the future,how about you?B:I prefer to be a teacher after graduation,this is my childhood desire.Well,the international correspondent sound gre...