并根据生活经验将英文句子填写完整1.If you eat too much sweet candies candies and don't brush your teeth everyday.You may_________________.2.If you study in a classroom with a lot of dirty air all the day,you may_______________.3.If you speak too loudly or eat too much cold food,you may_______.4.If you don't ride your bike carefuily and knock a big rock,you may________________.5.If you stay in the rain for too long and then have a bath with cold water,you may__________


1.If you eat too much sweet candies candies and don't brush your teeth everyday.You may_________________.
2.If you study in a classroom with a lot of dirty air all the day,you may_______________.
3.If you speak too loudly or eat too much cold food,you may_______.
4.If you don't ride your bike carefuily and knock a big rock,you may________________.
5.If you stay in the rain for too long and then have a bath with cold water,you may_____________________.

1.If you eat too much sweet candies candies and don't brush your teeth everyday.You may have decayed tooth.如果你吃太多糖果又不每天刷牙, 你可能会得到蛀牙.2.If you study in a classroom with a lot of di...