The United States of America is in the n ___ The United States of America is in the n ___part of America.It has an area of 9,372,256square k ___.Its c ___is Washington D.C.It has f___states.It has a p___ of 266,578,000.Its native l___is English,with 6%of the people s___ Spanish as a first language.Most of its p___ live until around 75y___ old.Its government is something like federal republic.The law is m___ by the national congress.


The United States of America is in the n ___
The United States of America is in the n ___part of America.It has an area of 9,372,256square k ___.Its c ___is Washington D.C.It has f___states.It has a p___ of 266,578,000.Its native l___is English,with 6%of the people s___ Spanish as a first language.Most of its p___ live until around 75y___ old.Its government is something like federal republic.The law is m___ by the national congress.

The United States of America is in the northern___part of America.It has an area of 9,372,256square kilomiters___.Its capital ___is Washington D.C.It has fifty___states. It has a population___ of 266,578,000.Its native language___is English,with 6%of the people speak___ Spanish as a first language.Most of its people___ live until around 75years___ old.Its government is something like federal republic.The law is made___ by the national congress.


northern kilometers (c_____)fifty-one population language speak population years made

The United States of America is in the northern(北部/方的)part of America.It has an area of 9,372,256square kilometres (公里).Its capital (首都)is Washington D.C.It has fifty-one(51)states. It has a population _人口__ of 266,578,000.Its native language _语言__is English,with 6%of the people speak 说___ Spanish as a first language.Most of its people人__ live until around 75years年_ old.Its government is something like federal republic.The law is made 制_ by the national congress.

1.northern北部的2.kilometers 千米3.capital首都4.fifty五十5.population人口6.language语言7.speaking说,8.people人们9.years 8.made 被动语态

  1. northern

  2. kilometers

  3. capital

  4. fifty

  5. population

  6. language

  7. speak

  8. people

  9. years

  10. made

