hat do you want to do next year?He didn't tell me.(改为同义句)He didn't tell me what he wanted to do next year题干总觉得有点不太对,但说不上来哪里不对.如果改成 “What do you want to do next year?"I asked.He didn't tell me.这样可以么.好像还不是很通顺.那应该怎么改呢


hat do you want to do next year?He didn't tell me.(改为同义句)
He didn't tell me what he wanted to do next year
如果改成 “What do you want to do next year?"I asked.He didn't tell me.这样可以么.好像还不是很通顺.那应该怎么改呢

答案是最好的了,你觉得好的那个是错的。 望采纳

“What do you want to do next year?"I asked.He didn't tell me.这样可以么.这样改不是最好,不建议,不可以.因为What do you want to do next year?这句话就算不出现I asked.也知道【是我问他的】.最后,偶们英语老...