新概念英语一级 测试题 求答案( )11.I can’t _____ my pen.    A.to find    B.finds    C.finding    D.find( )12.Can you _____ the pen to Wang Ling?    A.put    B.take    C.giving    D.have( )13.I only have small boxes.Do you want _____?    A.it    B.this    C.that    D.one( )14.A:What _____ do you want? B:I want my change.    A.others’    B.other    C.others    D.else( )15.He usually shaves at 7:00 o’clock every day,but today,he ______ at eight


新概念英语一级 测试题 求答案
( )11.I can’t _____ my pen.
    A.to find    B.finds    C.finding    D.find
( )12.Can you _____ the pen to Wang Ling?
    A.put    B.take    C.giving    D.have
( )13.I only have small boxes.Do you want _____?
    A.it    B.this    C.that    D.one
( )14.A:What _____ do you want? B:I want my change.
    A.others’    B.other    C.others    D.else
( )15.He usually shaves at 7:00 o’clock every day,but today,he ______ at eight o’clock.
    A.shaves    B.shave    C.shaving    D.is shaving
( )16.A:______ are they going to school?
     B:They are going to school on foot.
    A.What    B.Which    C.How    D.Where
( )17.Can you show the picture ______ Li Lei?
    A.with    B.to    C.of    D.from
( )18.Can your birds fly?Yes,______ can.
    A.their    B.them    C.they    D.theirs
( )19._______the black cat.Don’t ______ the white one.
    A.Catch;catch    B.Catch;take    C.Take;take    D.Take;catch
( )20.Your trousers are on the bed.His ______ behind the door.
    A.is    B.am    C.are    D.has

11.D 情态动词can’t + v.原形
12.B 首先,情态v.+ v.原形,所以排除C选项,又因为take有“拿走,取走,捎去,带去”的意思,所以选B
13.D one泛指一类事物,it代指上文提到的某一件相同的事物
14.D what else=what other things其他的.
15.A 由前一句可看出本句为一般现在时,又因为he,所以用单三
16.C how在此句中指方式,有“怎样,怎么”之意
17.B show sth.to sb.显示某物给某人看
19.A catch 抓