求英文翻译,要准确一点的,高手请进 3小时在线等!1、看了新闻后,我感到心情十分沉重2、地震过后,他们的生活更加艰难了3、我希望灾区人民能重新振作起来,重建家园,共渡难关!好的话再加10分!


求英文翻译,要准确一点的,高手请进 3小时在线等!

No.1 After knowing about the news,I felt very depressed.
No.2 After the quake, their life became much harder.
No.3 I'm blessing that all people can cheer up overcome the crisis and reestablish their homesteads.

1.After watching the news, I find my heart heavy like liver.
2. After the earthquake, their life became even tougher.
3. I hope the people in the quake-stricken areas can recover from the disaster and rebuild their homes to get through this hard time.

I felt very depressed after learning the news.
Their life is more hard after the earthquake.
I hope that the victims in the disaster-area can build up family again.