What's cool ?英语问题1.I think students have great grades are very cool. 2.It is not important to wear good clothes or sing pop music .3.Tony thinks boys have long hair is very cool and he thinks students wear different from others'clothes are very cool.4.I think students have to put our heart into studying. 这四句话有没有问题 语法上的错误.


What's cool ?英语问题
1.I think students have great grades are very cool.
2.It is not important to wear good clothes or sing pop music .
3.Tony thinks boys have long hair is very cool and he thinks students wear different from others'clothes are very cool.
4.I think students have to put our heart into studying. 这四句话有没有问题 语法上的错误.


I think students who have great grades are very cool.
I think students having great grades are very cool.
一个句子只能有一个谓语 若有几个动词 处理成从句或非谓语
Tony thinks boys have long hair is very cool and he thinks students wear different from others'clothes are very cool跟第一句同样错误,还有单复数错误,累述等缺点 第二个he thinks有点多余
Tony thinks boys who have long hair are very cool and that students whose wear is different from others'clothes are very cool
I think students have to put our heart into studying词组不地道但不错,study比较好,是学习的名词 studying是研究的动名词 略有区别
I think students have to absorb ourselves in study.