英语语法,HELP32.He is very rich,so he ______.A.must make a fortune B.should have made a fortuneC.must have made a fortune D.should make a fortune33.______,she failed again in the test and felt very depressed.A.As she worked hard B.Hard as she workedC.Since she worked hard D.Hard since she worked34.I’m going to get my letters ______tomorrow afternoon if I can get them ready today.A.type B.to type C.typed D.typing请分别解释下为什么,


32.He is very rich,so he ______.
A.must make a fortune B.should have made a fortune
C.must have made a fortune D.should make a fortune
33.______,she failed again in the test and felt very depressed.
A.As she worked hard B.Hard as she worked
C.Since she worked hard D.Hard since she worked
34.I’m going to get my letters ______tomorrow afternoon if I can get them ready today.
A.type B.to type C.typed D.typing

C must have done,对过去动作的肯定推测。
B as的倒装结构,让步状语从句,表示“尽管”。
C get sth. done让某事被做

C 他一定交了好运
B as的用法,尽管她很努力学习,但是她仍然没有考好
C get sth done 把什么给怎么了 我明天下午要把我的信打好

must 是肯定的猜测、 must have done 是对过去肯定的猜测.
AS的让步状语从句.Hard as she worked.选择B
get sth done.把什么做了.
get sth to do 让别把什么做了.
get sth doing 是让别人正在做.