ask:要求,作为动词的宾语从句的虚拟语气,My parents ask I (should) not watch too much.我父母要求我不要看太多电视.【请问ask能不能作为名词,组成表语从句或同位语从句的虚拟语气?】不知道是不是我没查精,字典里ask只能作动词.比如其它名词性从句虚拟语气:The requirements that students should learn to protect themselves is successfully carried out in most schools.学生必须学会保护自己,这一要求在大多数学校都能顺利实施.


ask:要求,作为动词的宾语从句的虚拟语气,My parents ask I (should) not watch too much.我父母要求我不要看太多电视.【请问ask能不能作为名词,组成表语从句或同位语从句的虚拟语气?】不知道是不是我没查精,字典里ask只能作动词.比如其它名词性从句虚拟语气:The requirements that students should learn to protect themselves is successfully carried out in most schools.学生必须学会保护自己,这一要求在大多数学校都能顺利实施.

一般而言,英语动词都可以作为名词使用,加上 -ing 就好了(动名词).因为有了这一方便灵活的表达方式,其动词的连带成分也跟着名词化了,成了这个名词性词组的一部分.如上例可用动名词方式的句子结构表达:
My frustration is my parents' asking of me not to watch too much TV.(名词作表语,将从句变为词组)
The interesting point is your parents' asking that would stop you watching too much TV.(名词作表语 + 表语补足语)
I'll ignore my parents' asking that I should not watch too much TV.(作同位语补足宾语 asking)