根据回答写问句(英语)1、______________________________________1、I watched a football game on TV.2、______________________________________2、My parents will go to the concert.3、______________________________________3、It's the woman's handbag.4、______________________________________4、I like spring best.5、______________________________________5、My birthday is on June,10th.6、______________________________________6、I'm going to the beach with my friends.7、_____________


1、I watched a football game on TV.
2、My parents will go to the concert.
3、It's the woman's handbag.
4、I like spring best.
5、My birthday is on June,10th.
6、I'm going to the beach with my friends.
7、I play volleyball three to four times a week.

1. what did you do?
2.where will your parents go?
3.what is it?
4.which reason do you like best?
5.when is your birthday?
6.where are you going to ?
7.how often do you play volleyball?

1`How do you watch a football game?
2`Where will your parents go?
3`Where is the pen?
4`Which season do you like best?
5`When is your birthday?
6`What are you going to do?
7`How often do you play volleyball?

1、what did you do last sunday?1、I watched a football game on TV.2、who will go to the concert?2、My parents will go to the concert.3、what's that?3、It's the woman's handbag.4、which is your favouri...