求大神帮忙写点英语句子,口语考试用.两个人对话,一个人十五句左右.1.What personal qualities do you need to be successful in career?2.What would you have done if you hadn’t come to college?Why?3.What is your opinion about Van Gogh?4.The most memorable moment you have ever experienced.5.What is the most important thing parents can give their children?随便写其中的一个就好!


两个人对话,一个人十五句左右.1.What personal qualities do you need to be successful in career?
2.What would you have done if you hadn’t come to college?Why?
3.What is your opinion about Van Gogh?
4.The most memorable moment you have ever experienced.
5.What is the most important thing parents can give their children?

5问:5答:the confidence I think.5问:why do you think so?5答:Its the key point for children to overcome obstacle.and they then have more confidence to play with their cooperaters.