用look,smell,taste,feel,sound的适当形式填空,必要地方加上介词1.The gas ___terrible,and we could hardly bear the ____.2.Honey ____sweet.people like the ____of it very much.3.The king never saw silk before.When he ___it,he at once liked the ___of it.4.The used to____the bell of the church tower to tell people that something important had happened.But people in the town still could not get used to the bell which kept____.5.The chimpanze ___a man riding a bike.6.the soft


1.The gas ___terrible,and we could hardly bear the ____.
2.Honey ____sweet.people like the ____of it very much.
3.The king never saw silk before.When he ___it,he at once liked the ___of it.
4.The used to____the bell of the church tower to tell people that something important had happened.But people in the town still could not get used to the bell which kept____.
5.The chimpanze ___a man riding a bike.
6.the soft drink _____orange juice.

1 smells smell 这个气体闻起来很刺鼻,我们几乎无法忍受这个气味.2 tastes taste 蜂蜜尝起来很甜,人们非常喜欢这种味道.3 felt feeling 这个国王从未见过丝绸,当他触摸到时,他立刻爱上了它的触感.4 sound sounding他...