


1.you should drink the hot tea with honey.
you should put honey in this hot tea before you drink.
2.he can't at home because he went to shanghai.
3.lilei must watching tv right now.
4.there are two books and an eraser in the drawer.
5.you have a new car,so do i
you have a new car, me either.
6.the time of yesterday,my mom was cooking while my dad was watching tv.
7.the bus has already left while i was leaving home.
i left the home after the bus left.
8.tom's grandpa has passed away for 2 years.
tom's grandpa was died 2 years ago.
tom's grandpa has been died for 2 years.
9. what's the day today----today is monday.
what's the date today----today is Dec. 19th
10.mary has been to china for 3 years.

7 8 10 真的不确定。。。。其他的应该没啥问题

1.You should add honey to your hot tea / You should have hot tea with honey.
2.He couldn't be at home, because he has gone to shanghai.
3. LiNu must be watching the television now.
4. There are two books and a piece of rubber in the drawer.
5. You have two new cars, and I have one too. / I have a new car and you have two.
6. yesterday this time, my mother was cooking and my father was watching the television.
7. When got out to there. The bus had already left. / The bus had already left when I got out to there.
8. Tom' grandfather died two years ago./ It is two year since Tom's grandfather died. Tom's grandfather is dead for two years.
9.What day is today?
----What is the date today?
----Today is 19th December / Today is December 19.
10. Mary has come to China for three years. / Its three years since Mary came to China./ Mary has been in China for three years.

1.You should drink some hot tea with honey./You ought to drink some hot tea with honey.
2.He can't be at home,because he has gone to Shanghai.
3.Li lei must be watching TV now.
4.There is an eraser and two books in the drawer.
5.You have a new car,so have I./ You have a new car.Me too.
6.This time yesterday,my mother was cooking and my father was watching Tv.
7.When I went out,the bus had already left./Before I went out,the bus had already left.
8.Tom's grandpa has been died for two years./It has been two years since Tom's grandpa's death./Two years ago,Tom's grandpa died.
9.What day is today?It's Monday.
What's the date today?It's December 19th.
10.Three years ago,Marry came to China./It has been three years since Marry came to China./Marry has been in China for three years.