Nina,who was eight ____ old,brought her report card home___school.She was very ____,because hermarks were good and most of them were A.However,her teacher had written across the bottom:“Nina is a smart litter girl,____she has one fault.She talks too___in school.I have an____and I am going to____,which I think may break her of the bad____.”Nina's father signed her report card,putting a note on tne back :“Please let me know if you idea is___on Nina ,bec


Nina,who was eight ____ old,brought her report card home___school.She was very ____,because her
marks were good and most of them were A.
However,her teacher had written across the bottom:“Nina is a smart litter girl,____she has one fault.She talks too___in school.I have an____and I am going to____,which I think may break her of the bad____.”
Nina's father signed her report card,putting a note on tne back :“Please let me know if you idea is___on Nina ,because I___like to try it out on her mother.